Industrial Battery Fast Charger
Key to Efficiency
No matter what challenge you face with your battery, your electric vehicle or your power system, Goldberg Systems has a solution. With access to a World-Class engineering team and production facility, we provide complete “turn-key” solutions: our Customers can concentrate their efforts in the development of the business, while we take care of product design, manufacturing and service, optimizing resources and cutting costs.
We provided a fundamental contribution to the development of fast charging systems for batteries. This technology enabled thousands of companies, including some of the best and most modern in the World, to convert their fleets of industrial vehicles from diesel to electric, and to operate them continuously without changing batteries. This experience, unique in its kind, has been transferred to the field of electric vehicles for public transportation, with the development of rapid charging stations for EVs.
We serve market segments where performance, efficiency and reliability are critical. Our customers include energy companies, as well as industrial manufacturers, government agencies, airlines and aerospace contractors.